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  • Writer's pictureEsper Centeno

No Freelancer Is An Island

No Freelancers is an Island. To some, freelancing can be a lonely career, especially if you are working at home and you don’t have time to socialize. However, being a freelancer doesn’t mean you are alone because you have your family beside you and you have friends whom you can socialize when you don’t have work to do. 

1.) Competition is tough, but collaboration is much better

Competition is stiff, so you need to make sure you keep competitive in the freelancing market. One tip to broaden your career is to meet someone whom you can  grow your network with. Growing a network means to have better ideas and to have referrals. 

Collaborate with them and learn tips from experts that will help your freelancing career. Make sure to focus your attention every time you hop in for lectures, discussions or meetings so that you will be able to share some ideas, brainstorm and come up with a great idea relative to your freelancing brand. Also, when you grow your network, you will have referral opportunities.

2.) Stay Social Online

One of the most effective strategies is by utilizing your social media accounts to advertise your work and look for clients at the same time. Establishing an online presence is the key to a successful freelancing business especially that we are in this digital age. You need to follow where your clients are, build your freelancing profile and communicate with your ideal clients. You can get advice and insights with someone awesome who has the same niche as you, and if lucky they might refer you to the client if they’re fully loaded with their tasks.

3.) Be Open-Minded

Don’t just limit yourself learning and focusing only on your existing niche. Going beyond what you already know is good and beneficial to your skill sets because there are times when a client needs a freelancer who has multiple skills. When you have unique skill sets, you will have the opportunity to showcase your skills across different creative fields. If you’re a video editor, go to a gaming convention. Most of the game developers are always looking for realistic video so that the game will be compelling to the gamers that will help them to bring their concepts to life.

4.) Take some Vacation

Taking some vacation for a while will be the best gift for yourself, especially if you are joining together with your family, go to places that you haven’t been to explore and meet new people. By doing that, you will be able to know their culture. Taking a vacation at least twice a year will help you to release all your stress and you can  unwind with your  family at the same time.


They were saying that no man is an island, you can correlate this to freelancing because you will not grow in freelancing if you are alone. You need someone to  guide you in your freelance journey. FVA is here to guide you from scratch up to  your first client.

We desire all the best in your digital career. Happy freelancing!

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